Greetings from Image Colleague Society, International of USA & NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PHOTOGRAPHY (NAP) of India.
We are all aware that, maximum countries of this Universe are affected by COVID-19. Guidelines of all the Governments are to stay at home to prevent further expansion of this disease.Out of these uncertain & unexpected situations to stay at home for several weeks is not easy. Now we all are the Citizens of this World irrespective of Cast, Creed, Religion also there is No Boundary Line. Now we can feel we are sharing the same Sky with the same Sun and the Moon…and also, we have to Stay Home and Stay Positive.
ICS, International-USA & NAP-India, would like to organise an International Photography Contest 2020” in the “Stay Home… Stay Positive…” to See the Unseen at Home. This will promote the medium of Photography, nurture the Mental Health as well as supporting the Government Guidelines.
We are requesting you to participate in “ICS, International-USA & NAP-India – International Photography Contest 2020.” This International Photography Contest 2020 has been Awarded “Auspices” by ICS, International of USA.
There is “NO ENTRY FEES.”
Take Care… Stay Safe…